Monday, June 22, 2009

A Little About Me

Hi. My name is Michael Rassette. Even though it is the middle of June, I am excited to start school. Call me crazy but I enjoy teaching and interacting with my students.

Here's a little bit about me.

I teach U.S. History at South Middle School. This is my 6th year at South Middle School. Prior to teaching at South Middle, I worked for the Salina Police Department for six years. Four of those six years, I was a School Resource Officer (SRO). I have lived in Salina all my life and I don't plan moving. My wife is a teacher at Cottonwood Elementary School and we are enjoying our time off this summer. We are busy with our children's sports and right now, I have a long honey do list that probably won't get done this summer.

Our family recently got back from a trip to Milford Lake where we camped and caught fish. My children water skied and tubing but that really isn't my cup of tea. So while they were having their fun, I went fishing. (By the way, the Rassette family didn't catch that many, but we caught a few).

Anyway, like I said, am excited about the up and coming school year. It will be here before we know it.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Weekly Stumper

If a rooster lays an egg on the peak of a barn, which way will it roll?

Quote of the Week

Thomas Edison was asked why he kept trying when he failed 1000 straight times while trying to invent something. He replied, "I haven't failed. I merely found 1000 different ways it didn't work."