Friday, August 21, 2009

Weekly Stumper

I have two coins. Together they equal $.55. One coin is not a nickel. What is the other coin?

Last week's answer: Rooster's don't lay eggs.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Hint to Weekly Stumper...

Will the direction of the wind make a difference if the egg rolls?

Secret word....Robert E. Lee

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Welcome Back

This is first day of school!!!! The summer went quick and now we have to get back in the routine of going to bed and waking up early.

For the first week of school, classes will be getting aquainted with procedures and class expectations. For the first few assignments, classes will be concentrating on the state of Kansas. We will be using maps to locate major cities and rivers of Kansas. I handed out a brochure that covers all major aspects that we will study this year.

I am looking forward to meeting all my students and their parents. Are you ready for a fun productive year??????